If you’re wondering what species make the best terrestrial pet frogs, you’ve come to the right place.
Frogs can live primarily in trees, in the water or on land. Because each variety has different care requirements, we’ll focus specifically on what we think is the best pet frog that lives on land. In our opinion, that species is the Pacman Frog (Ceratophrys cranwelli).

Why are Pacman Frogs the best terrestrial pet frog?
One of the primary things many people look for in a pet is cuteness. Often times, we don’t realize it, but we select our pets as a reflection of ourself. There is so much variety when it comes to Pacman Frogs, there’s bound to be a color, pattern, morph or shape for everyone. Pacmans can be labeled and described as everything from classic albino to strawberry or green apple. There’s an endless selection!
Another trait that we think makes Pacmans the best pet terrestrial frog is their size and propensity to grow. While it’s likely that you’ll purchase your Pacman as a baby, it won’t stay a baby for long. Because they have such tremendous appetites, these frogs grow fast. It’s such a fun experience for owners to watch their frog thrive and grow into a beast.
Because Pacman Frogs grow so fast and get so large, they tend to be very sturdy and hardy frogs. They aren’t as sensitive to changes in their environment or being handled and therefore they possess the ability to be a bit more interactive than their jumpy sensitive tree frog brethren.
Although we’ve already established that they love to eat, it truly is quite entertaining for owners to watch their Pacman Frog at mealtime. These frogs are known for being ambush predators and they’re not always the most graceful animals. This means that mealtime can be exciting, but it can be comical as well.

How do I care for a Pacman Frog?
As we’ve already established, Pacman Frogs are terrestrial, or land-based. This means that they won’t need an aquatic set up, which we think makes them much easier to care for. Aquatic tanks and animals are very rewarding to have, but they are a much bigger commitment.
You can keep a Pacman Frog happy for the duration of its life in a simple ten gallon tank, although if you want a larger enclosure, there’s nothing wrong with that. Line your terrarium with four to five inches of moist peat moss for substrate.
Make sure to provide a water dish that is sunk down into the moss. The frogs sometimes enjoy soaking in it, so make sure it’s accessible and easy to climb out of.
Feeding time is fun time! Baby and juvenile frogs will need to eat more frequently than adults. We recommend feeding them gut loaded insects every other day and a pinkie once per week. As they grow larger, they can eat larger insects such as roaches and larger frozen mice. Tongs are recommended when they are bigger because their teeth can hurt! Keep in mind that Pacman Frogs will pretty much eat anything that moves, so variety is important when planning a Pacman Frog diet. We also advise keeping an eye on your frog’s weight as they are not super active animals and can grow obese easily in captivity from over feeding.
What we’ve detailed so far regarding Pacman Frog care is just the basics. We think we’ve written up the ultimate care sheet on Pacman Frogs. We’ve got lots of experience with these amphibians and we took a lot of time compiling what we’ve learned into a comprehensive guide. Check it out here.
Where can I get a Pacman Frog?
If you want your frog delivered overnight to your doorstep, then we highly recommend purchasing your baby Pacman Frog from us, Backwater Reptiles! Our Pacman Frogs have Frog Ranch genetics, making them the most sought after in the biz! Not only are they healthy, they are bold, bright and colorful as well and we have many morphs to choose from.
Another option if you are in the market for a pet Pacman Frog is to head to your local reptile expo. The benefit of purchasing at an expo is that you can hand select the frog of your choice, but because expos tend to only happen once per year, the downside is you might have to wait a bit to get your frog.
Because Pacman Frogs have become one of the most popular pet frogs in the herpetology world, you can likely find yourself a Pacman Frog at your nearest pet store. However, we do advise purchasing with caution as we can’t speak to the quality of care the frog would be receiving inside a pet store.

There are many species of frogs that make excellent pets. But for now, we’re sticking strictly to the terrestrial type. And we feel that Pacman Frogs have earned their way to the top.
Pacman Frogs are not only adorable, they are fairly easy to care for. They are loads of fun at mealtime and they grow very fast. Although frogs aren’t the most interactive pet, Pacmans can grow accustomed to being handled. They also come in a huge variety of colors, morphs and patterns that make them sought after in the reptile hobbyist world.
So, the bottom line is if you’re in the market for a pet frog with a terrestrial enclosure set up, we’d highly recommend you get a Pacman Frog.