How Do Tarantulas Molt?

Are you wondering how tarantulas molt? Has your tarantula flipped over on its back and you don’t know what to do? Don’t panic – it’s a completely normal indicator that your spider is healthy and growing.

You see, in order to grow, tarantulas must shed their old exoskeletons and the beginning of the process leaves them upside down with their bellies exposed

After flipping onto its back, the tarantula will lie very still for some time. Eventually the arachnid will wriggle its way out of its old exoskeleton, which is a difficult process that can take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours.

Tarantulas don’t have bones, so their exoskeleton is what supports them and protects their internal organs. One sign that your tarantula is getting ready to molt is you may see a bald spot developing on the top of its abdomen. This is almost always a precursor to a molt.

Tarantula preparing to molt
An upside down Brazilian Giant Salmon Tarantula preparing to molt.

Tarantula Molting Tips and Notes:

1) The spider will be vulnerable, so try not to move it, poke it, or prod it. Doing so can prove fatal for the molting tarantula.

2) Be patient with your arachnid. The molting process can be short (30 minutes) or longer (up to several hours).

3) Remove any feeder insects in the terrarium, especially crickets. The spider will be defenseless and crickets can be ruthless, believe it or not. They can kill a tarantula that’s in the process of molting.

4) Once the tarantula has crawled out of its old exoskeleton, its body will be soft and sensitive. It should be left alone for around three to four days to allow its new exoskeleton to harden. Avoid feeding your tarantula during this time frame as well.

5) If the tarantula was missing a leg, it will regenerate with the molt. The new limb might not be as hairy or large as the others, but it will look normal again with more molts. It’ll likely be a little thinner than the original.

Tarantula after molt
The same Brazilian Giant Salmon Tarantula after completing its molt.

After the molt, your tarantula will be at its most visually appealing–fresh, flawless, and vibrant. Just look at the picture above, of one of our Brazilian giants right after emerging from its exoskeleton–it’s just perfect.

If you’re quick, you can carefully remove the molted exoskeleton, which will look exactly like your tarantula (some people are confused as it can look like there are suddenly two tarantulas in the enclosure. You can then “pose” the molt and allow it to dry. It will then look just like your pet tarantula, and can make an excellent display piece.

We hope our article has been helpful in answering the question, “How do tarantulas molt?” Hopefully you understand the process and are now better prepared to care for your pet tarantula.

Backwater Reptiles has many tarantulas for sale, so you can buy a Giant Salmon tarantulas (like the one in the photos) directly from our website and have it delivered right to your residence. You can also read more about tarantula care to help prepare yourself.

How Do Scorpions Reproduce?

Are you wondering how scorpions reproduce? Believe it or not, baby scorpions are birthed live and do not hatch from eggs! They develop within the female scorpion until they’re ready to emerge.

The easiest sign of a pregnant scorpion is a heavily swollen mid-section. The area will look taught, and the exoskeleton sections will be stretched. Breeding scorpions isn’t considered difficult, but at the same time, rarely occurs in captivity because not many people are attempting it.

Newborn scorpions hitch a ride on their mother’s back until their exoskeletons harden, which generally takes 1-3 weeks. After they have sturdy exoskeletons to protect them, they scuttle off and live individual lives.

How scorpions reproduce
A mother scorpion defending her babies. Reproduction full-cycle.

Scorpion Reproduction Isn’t Always Pretty

These baby Asian Forest scorpions (Heterometrus spinifer) will grow up to be between three and a half to five inches long and they will live an average of six to ten years, making them long-lived pet companions.

The babies are ready to head to new homes after approximately one month–after they have undergone several molts. The mother will sometimes consume the babies if you’re not careful, so check on them often–scorpion reproduction isn’t always cute and cuddly.

Because they primarily eat insects and don’t get very large, Asian Forest Scorpions (and scorpions in general) are very easy to keep and maintain.

Their habitats can be fairly small and several can even be housed together, although it’s not highly recommended. If you are keeping more than one per enclosure, please ensure that each scorpion has its own hide, and plenty of food (crickets, waxworms, mealworms).

scorpion after reproduction
Here’s a close-up picture of some new scorpion babies

Due to their venomous nature, it’s not recommended to handle your scorpion without proper protective gear and the right equipment, although in general, scorpions are fairly docile.

It’s been said (although we haven’t tested this statement ourselves!) that at worst, a scorpion’s sting is just a little more painful than a bee sting. Their venom is one of the most valuable liquids on planet earth, valued at $38,858,507 per gallon according to a recent Wall Street journal article!

We’ve heard that if you’re allergic to a bee sting, a scorpion sting is just as dangerous, but this is hotly debated.

Hopefully we’ve been able to thoroughly answer the question, “How do scorpions reproduce?” If not, please drop us a line.

Although these particular little guys won’t be ready to be sold to new homes for around a month, you can still get your very own scorpions from Backwater Reptiles for only $12.99. Check out our selection of Asian Forest Scorpions for sale today!