The Grumpy Rain Frog (Breviceps mossambicus)

Are you familiar with the meme of the “Grumpy Frog?” It’s usually a variation of this picture with text indicating that the frog is unhappy in some way.

Rain frog care

If you ever wondered what type of frog Grumpy Toad actually is, you’re in luck! Backwater Reptiles just got in a rare batch of these frogs, which are commonly called Rain Frogs and we’re going to tell you all about them in this post.

There are actually several Rain frog species that appear in the memes, but Backwater Reptiles has a species called the Mozambique Rain Frog (Breviceps mossambicus). They are also known as the Flat-faced Frog due to their squashed-looking faces.

Mozambique Rain Frog
We love how these frogs have such smushed, grumpy little faces. It’s not hard to see why these frogs are also called flat-faced frogs! This picture also gives a good view of the inward-facing feet of this unique little frog.

These comical little frogs are balloonish, round, squat-figured amphibians with toes that face inward (i.e they are pigeon-toed). Their manner of walking, grumpy-looking features, and overall compactness generally remind us of bulldogs which makes them very comical, yet aesthetically-appealing pets.

We should also mention that even though these frogs have been nicknamed “Grumpy Frogs,” in reality they are very docile amphibians. They don’t really bite, move pretty slowly, and overall don’t mind being handled. They are not only cute to look at, but they are easy to keep as well.

Here’s a short video we took of one of our Mozambique Rain Frogs on a stroll, just to give you a better idea of how silly these little critters actually are when it comes to locomotion.

As its name suggests, the Mozambique Rain Frog hails from Mozambique, but is also found in other African countries. It’s natural habitat is dry or moist savannah grasslands, scrublands, and rural or pastoral gardens.

When the weather is dry, the Rain Frog will hide under rocks or small crevices in or around tree roots. While hidden, it will eat small invertebrates as an ambush predator. When rainfall occurs, winged termite swarms will emerge and rain frogs will come out from their hiding places en masse to feed on all the termites.

Breviceps mossambicus
Squat, fat, round, and balloon-like are all good adjectives to describe the Mozambique Rain Frog. They’re the bulldogs of the frog world!

While the Mozambique Rain Frog is listed by the IUCN as a species of “least concern” due to its widespread range throughout Africa, they are actually pretty uncommon in the reptile/amphibian hobby world.

These frogs also have very distinct calls. Unlike a traditional frog’s croak or clicking calls, the rain frog lets out a small noise that sounds like a squeak, squeal, or kitten’s cry. It can be very amusing, so long as the frog is not crying out in distress.

rain frog
In general, the Mozambique Rain Frog is a dark brown in color with an orange or peach stripe running down each side. It’s underbelly is a lighter cream color with speckles.

When keeping a Mozambique Rain Frog in captivity, keep in mind that these frogs are burrowers. They are not jumpers or climbers and would much prefer having horizontal tank space to walk around in than vertical space as they won’t climb branches or trees. To satisfy the burrowing habits of the rain frog, make sure to coat your enclosure in a substrate that retains moisture and also holds its shape. We also recommend that there are no heavy decorative items in the enclosure since the frog might burrow underneath it and accidentally injure itself. Plastic hide rocks and a small fake plant or two should be suitable.

Since the natural diet of the Mozambique Rain Frog consists of small invertebrates, we feed ours crickets, dubia roaches, meal worms, and occasional wax worms.

flat faced frog
The rain frog’s short legs make it a poor jumper. It much prefers to waddle around.

As we previously mentioned, Backwater Reptiles currently has Mozambique Rain Frogs for sale. We just received a shipment of these humorous little frogs. They are relatively hard to come by in the reptile/amphibian pet trade, so we recommend buying yours now if you’re interested before they sell out since we likely won’t get any more until next breeding season.



Frogs vs. Toads

Ever wonder what the difference is between frogs and toads?

Frogs and toads are very similar animals after all and both are in fact amphibians. So what differentiates these two animals from one another? Read our Frogs vs. Toads blog post to find out!

Frogs vs Toads

Frogs vs. Toads – Proximity to Water

One difference between frogs and toads is that frogs live in or near a water source. Toads, on the other hand, can live on land in dryer environments, although they do still need a certain degree of moisture present to thrive.

Eastern Spadefoot Toad
This is an Eastern Spadefoot Toad. It has unusually large and bulbous eyes for a toad as well as unusually moist skin.

Frogs will actually spend most of their time in the water and are adept swimmers. Toads prefer to be on land and are not very graceful in the water.

Frogs vs. Toads – Physical Differences

There are a number of physical differences in the way frogs and toads are built that also help differentiate them from one another.

Frogs have smooth, moist skin, while toads have rough, bumpy skin that is often dry.

Glass Frog Underbelly
This is a glass frog. This species is known for its transparent skin that allows you to see its internal organs.

The hind legs of frogs are very long, graceful, and powerful because their main method of locomotion is jumping. Toads tend to have shorter, stumpier legs that enable them to walk or hop instead of jump long distances.

Frogs are generally lean, athletic-looking amphibians, whereas toads tend to have bodies that make them appear squat and out of shape.

A toad’s eyes are usually shaped like a football, but a frog has round, saucer-like eyes. A frog’s eyes will also bulge out a bit from its skull, while a toad’s eyes will not bulge.

Firebelly Toad
Don’t let is name fool you! The Firebelly Toad is not actually a toad at all, but rather a frog. It lives a mostly aquatic life.

Most frogs also possess some kind of teeth. Some frogs have vomerine teeth, which are located on the roof of the frog’s mouth. Other frogs might have maxillary teeth in addition to (or in place of) the vomerine teeth. This distinguishes them from toads, which have no teeth.

Frogs vs. Toads – Behavior

The main difference in behavior between toads and frogs is the amount of time each animal spends in the water. As mentioned earlier, most frogs prefer aqueous environments, whereas toads live on dry land.

South American Giant Marine Toad
The South American Giant Marine Toad is an enormous toad that exhibits the classic toad physical traits of bumpy skin and squatness.

Both toads and frogs are omnivores and eat everything from worms, crickets, and roaches to algae and pond sediment.

When it comes to reproduction, frogs lay their eggs in clusters very near to a water source as the tadpoles need to hatch into a watery environment. Toads will often lay their eggs in long chains. The young of both frogs and toads need to be born/hatched near water to survive.

Frogs vs. Toads – Toxicity

Both frogs and toads can be poisonous, however only toads possess poison glands behind their eyes.

Frogs, such as the Poison Dart Frog, can exude a poison through their skin. Scientists are currently unsure of what causes these frogs to be able to secrete such a poison, but they believe it to be something the frogs generate from plants or food in their wild habitats since the captive bred frogs are not toxic.

Tomato Frog
The Tomato Frog can exude a white substance from its skin when aggravated. This substance can be irritating if it comes into contact with human skin.

A toad’s toxicity comes from the poison glands behind its eyes. Whenever a toad feels threatened, it can secrete poison through its skin. This poison can then be ingested by a predator or come into contact with the skin of another animal (even a human handler) and cause irritation.

The same gland behind the toad’s eyes can also produce a separate compound that makes the toad taste awful when a predator tries to eat it. The predator will try to eat the toad and end up spitting it out due to the bad taste. Frogs do not possess these glands.

Frogs vs. Toads – Conclusion

These are not all the differences between frogs and toads, but they are the basic ones.

It should also be noted that the differences and similarities listed are discussed as generalities and that not all frogs or toads will fit neatly into one category or another. A good example of this is the Surinam Toad (Pipa pipa) which is technically a frog but looks very much like a toad and even has the word “toad” in its common name. We wrote a whole blog article discussing the unique nature of this frog that you can read here.

One thing that both frogs and toads have in common is that they make great pets. This is why Backwater Reptiles has a large selection of frogs for sale as well as a sizable collection of toads for sale.

Suriname Toad (Pipa pipa)

The Suriname Toad (Pipa pipa) is one very unique and fascinating amphibian. Everything about them – from their appearance to the manner they reproduce – is odd.

Because these amphibians are growing in popularity in the reptile/amphibian pet world, we thought we’d dedicate an entire blog post to them in which we’ll address the most frequently asked questions we get about these unusual animals.

Is the Suriname Toad actually a toad? Or is it a frog?

You’d think that because the word “toad” is in its name that Pipa pipa would be a toad, right? Although it does resemble a toad in color, it is still very much a frog.

Suriname toad - Pipa pipa
This is a front view of the Suriname Toad out of the water. These are some FLAT frogs!

Toads live much of their life on dry land (albeit close to a water source), but Pipa pipa is an aquatic amphibian and actually spends most of its time in the water. While these frogs can leave the water, their body shape just isn’t designed that well for life on land. They are awkward on land, whereas in the water, they are quite at home and even graceful.

Frogs have thin, smooth skin that is usually wet, whereas toads have dry, nodular, bumpy skin. The Suriname Toad’s skin more closely resembles a frog’s because even though it does possess texture, overall it is smooth to the touch and nearly always wet.

Why are these animals so flat?

One of the attributes that draws hobbyists to Pipa pipa is its bizarre appearance. The first thing most people notice when seeing one of these frogs for the first time is how flat they are. Being flat helps them to camouflage and appear like leaf litter, wooden detritus, or other large sediment that settles to the bottom of murky ponds.

Their unique body shape also allows them to be streamlined when swimming.

Surinam Toad
You can see how this frog’s flat body shape helps it to look like detritus on the floor of a pond.

I’ve heard these frogs have amazing reproductive habits. Do they really hatch babies from their backs?

Yes! One of the most intriguing tidbits about the Suriname Toad is that rather than lay eggs that require hatching like most amphibians, Pipa pipa “hatches” fully formed froglets from the skin on its back! Unlike most amphibians which go through metamorphosis, the Surinam toad emerges as a fully formed miniature version of the adult frog.

After very elaborate mating rituals in which the males make clicking sounds underwater to attract a mate, the mating begins. While the male and female are performing the act, they somersault and do acrobatics that allow for the eggs to stick to the female’s back. The eggs will then sink into her back skin and form a “honeycomb” from which baby froglets will hatch.

Is the Suriname Toad endangered?

Thankfully, the Surinam Toad is listed as being an animal of “Least Concern” according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

They are commonly found and widespread throughout the Amazon Basin in South American countries.

How do I care for my pet Suriname Toad?

The nice thing about keeping Pipa pipa as a pet is that they are undemanding amphibians. They just need the bare minimum to be healthy and happy. A twenty gallon aquarium, which is the minimum recommended size for a single adult, an aquatic plant or two, and plenty of food is pretty much all that is needed.

Top view of Pipa pipa
The top view of Pipa pipa shows that it has weak front arms, powerful hind legs for swimming, a blocky triangular head, and beady little eyes.

Because they lack tongues, the Suriname toad is an ambush predator. Unlike a typical frog which will can extend its sticky tongue to catch food, this toad will sit unmoving until prey gets near it. Then it moves very quickly and snatches up anything small enough to fit in its mouth. They are happy to eat small feeder fish and earth worms which are readily available at any pet store.

Overall, the Suriname toad is a very quiet animal and will simply sit on the bottom of its tank for most of the day. From time to time, they swim to the surface of the water for air, but unless it’s feeding time, you can expect them to be very predictable pets.

If you want to own one of these “ugly cute” frogs for yourself, Backwater Reptiles has Suriname Giant Toads for sale.

Tomato Frog Facts (Dyscophus guineti)

Ever wanted to know more about the pudgy Tomato Frog? Well, here’s your chance. Read on and let our factoids school you on this red amphibian!

Tomato Frog – Fact One

We bet you’ll never guess how the Tomato Frog (Dyscophus guineti) came by its common name…but, just in case you haven’t already figured it out, scientists and taxonomists like to name animals after things they resemble. And the tomato frog, due to its squat, round nature and red color, was appropriately named after the common fruit.

tomato frog facts
Because this frog looks more flat and melty than he does round and spherical, we think he resembles a tomato-based food product like lasagna more than an actual tomato! :-P

Tomato Frog – Fact Two

Adult tomato frogs and juveniles can look very different from one another. The babies might still have the same color scheme, but they are much slimmer frogs. As they grow, they will develop more vibrant red colors and pack on the pounds.

tomato frogs
Juvenile & adult tomato frog side by side comparison. Notice how slim the juvenile is when compared to the adult.

Tomato Frog – Fact Three

Adult males are smaller and duller in color than the females. Males grow to reach about 2.5 inches max, while females can grow to be four inches long snout to vent.

They can be long-lived frogs when properly cared for living up to ten years in captivity. On average, however, six years is a far more common life span.

tomato frog adult
An adult tomato frog.

Tomato Frog – Fact Four

A ten-gallon tank is large enough to house two adult tomato frogs, but a 20 gallon would be ideal.

Tomato frogs are secretive animals and enjoy burrowing and hiding, so be sure to provide your frog with a substrate such as soil or coconut fiber/mulch to allow this behavior. It’s also wise not to put any heavy decorative items in their enclosure since they can accidentally crush themselves by burrowing underneath.

dyscophus guineti
Top view of a tomato frog which demonstrates how these round frogs get their name.

Tomato Frog – Fact Five

Tomato frogs are carnivores and will only eat live insects such as crickets, wax worms, silk worms, and roaches. They also enjoy night crawlers.

It’s a good idea to dust your feeder insects once a week when dealing with adults and more frequently when feeding hatchlings and juveniles.

tomato frog picture
Tomato frog baby

We hope you enjoyed reading our Tomato Frog facts. We think they are fascinating frogs, plus we have a special fondness for fat frogs at Backwater Reptiles. We currently have both hatchling and adult tomato frogs for sale.

Five Things You Didn’t Know About Mossy Tree Frogs (Theloderma corticale)

Vietnamese Mossy Tree Frogs (Theloderma corticale) are fascinating and unique animals. They are not common pet frogs, so we wanted to let them shine a little this week. So read on and maybe you’ll discover something new about these neat little frogs.

1. Vietnamese Mossy Tree Frogs get their common name from their camouflage habits. Whether trying to blend in with moss on a tree, rock, or log, the texture of this frog’s skin combined with its green, brown, and black color palette makes it appear very moss-like to potential predators.

mossy tree frog facts
Notice the knobby texture of the frog’s skin. What a great camouflage tactic!

2. Because they are nocturnal and semi-aquatic, mossy frogs are active at night and should always have access to a pool of water in which they can fully submerge. 

Naturally found in flooded caves and mountain streams in Vietnam, these frogs can be shy and secretive. Excessive handling is therefore not recommended.

mossy tree frog
This picture was taken at our facility and we can’t get enough of it!

3. When full-grown, mossy frogs will reach lengths of up to three and a half inches. The females are larger than the males.

Their lifespan in the wild is unknown, but on average they will live twelve to fifteen years in captivity.

theloderma corticale care

4. Vietnamese Mossy Frogs breed readily in captivity and thus have become healthier and more common in the pet trade than they were some years ago. 

They breed between April and June in rock cavities with water collected in the bottom or tree knot holes. The females lay the eggs on rocks or plants directly above a pool of water so that when the eggs hatch, the tadpoles will fall directly into the water.

The entire metamorphosis cycle from tadpole to mature frog takes about a year for the mossy frog.

mossy frog photograph
Mossy tree frogs generally do extremely well in captivity–just make sure they don’t dry out.

5. Like all frogs, the Vietnamese Mossy Tree Frog has no hard palate in its mouth. Instead, when the frog chomps a tasty insect meal, it blinks in order to help it swallow the food down. With no roof of the mouth to help push the food against, the frog will close its eyes and essentially push the eyes down into the top of its mouth, which in turn forces the prey down the frog’s throat.

mossy frog pet


Backwater Reptiles has captive bred Vietnamese Mossy Tree Frogs for sale if you feel inclined to purchase your own after reading our fun little factoids.