Do tarantulas and spiders make good pets?
Are you considering a pet tarantula but you’re not sure if a spider would suit your lifestyle, home and family? We always encourage research to make sure you can physically care for an animal before adopting, but overall, if you are prepared, we feel tarantulas can make excellent pets.

Are tarantulas good pets for beginners?
Some species of tarantula can make great pets for beginners. There are quite a few species such as Rosehair tarantulas (Grammostola rosea), Mexican Redknee tarantulas (Brachypelma smithi) and Brazilian Black tarantulas (Grammostola pulchra) that are known for their calm demeanors. They are less likely to be aggressive and more inclined to allow themselves to be handled.
As far as actual care requirements go, nearly all tarantulas are very low maintenance. They need very little other than a place to hide, food, water and a basic enclosure to thrive. In other words, you don’t have to do a lot as an owner to make a pet tarantula happy. This means that they can be good for young ones who are just learning about the responsibilities of owning a pet.
Just keep in mind that certain species of spider are not suitable for beginners. These are usually the more aggressive species such as Goliath Bird Eaters, King Baboons and Orange Baboons. Because these species are typically more aggressive, we usually only recommend them as display pets that are not handled. Ultimately, this usually means that they are best kept by more experienced arachnid owners.

What should I know before getting a pet tarantula?
As far as exotic pets are concerned, be aware that tarantulas are pretty dull. Unless it’s meal time, they feel threatened, or they are molting, they don’t do a whole lot other than chill out. Some even prefer to remain hidden throughout the day when we are awake, so you might not even see your spider all that often.
We also like to advise people that although tarantulas can be handled and some don’t even seem to mind people at all, they cannot be tamed. They are not a domesticated animal and their behavior cannot be predicted with 100 percent accuracy. They can’t be “trusted” and don’t expect your tarantula to bond with you the way a cat or dog or even an iguana might. They are simply not capable of it.
Another thing to keep in mind when considering whether or not a tarantula is a good pet for you is that they are venomous and can be dangerous. While their venom is really only extremely harmful to small children, the elderly and those with compromised immune systems, tarantulas can and will bite if they feel the need to do so. Therefore, there is always inherent risk in owning a pet tarantula.
Tarantulas can live quite a long time, depending upon the gender and the age at which you acquire the spider. Certain species can live longer than a dog or cat. Be mindful of this commitment when purchasing a tarantula.
Lastly, if you are squeamish about insects at all or don’t want live insects in your house, a tarantula would not make a good pet for you. Tarantulas eat live insects such as roaches, mealworms, crickets and wax worms. You will need to either keep a supply of your own on hand or purchase live insects frequently from a supplier in order to feed your spider.

What can I expect from a pet tarantula?
As we’ve already established, tarantulas are mostly display pets. They shouldn’t be held or moved from their cage too frequently as it tends to stress them out and can be potentially dangerous to both owner and spider. So don’t expect a loving bond with your tarantula.
You can expect your spider to be secretive and hide a lot during the day. Most species are most active at night and stay burrowed or in a dark space when they are not hunting.
Mealtime will usually be a fun experience when you own a pet tarantula. It’s fascinating to observe your spider catching and eating insects.
If you obtain your tarantula as a baby or spiderling, you can expect it to grow quickly. Young spiders molt a lot as they grow so you will be able to witness this amazing process. Tarantulas can even regrow lost limbs during molts!
What species of tarantula should I get?
So, you’ve decided that a pet tarantula is a good fit for you and your household. Now comes the tougher part – what species should you select?
Luckily, we’ve done the hard work for you. We even wrote a separate blog article discussing what we think are the best pet tarantulas.
However, each owner will have different experience levels and traits they are looking for in a pet spider. The list we supplied is by no means all inclusive.
If you’re in the market for something more exotic, browse our selection of tarantulas for sale on our website. You will be able to see tarantulas that come in many sizes and colors and make your own educated decision on the species that would make the best pet for you.

We always encourage potential buyers of exotic pets to do their research prior to getting any kind of animal. Make sure you can properly deal with the animal’s food, housing and human interaction requirements before you commit.
That being said, tarantulas can make excellent pets for the right kind of people. If you’re into creepy, crawly, multi-limbed invertebrates that eat living insects, a tarantula could be a good fit. They don’t actually require much maintenance and they don’t need to be walked, handled or given attention frequently (or at all.)
So, what’s our final verdict on whether or not a tarantula is a good pet? YES! They are certainly great for people who want a pet that requires minimal effort and enjoy watching their pet rather than playing with it. A tarantula won’t play fetch with you, cuddle you on your couch or go on vacation with you, but it can provide satisfaction in its own spidery way.